What’s the Plan?”

Making and checking off list’s could probably be described as one of my love languages.

Constructing elaborate if/then scenarios and trying to account for human factors while trying to plot a course towards a goal makes me very happy.

However, my follow through on those goals can sometimes be less than stellar. It’s never on day one or two that I falter, but the struggle bus usually pulls up on me midway through.

I have a tough time fighting through the dreary middle part of any goal. Somewhere in the middle is where I start to question the wisdom of my goal. This is usually where the pain of extending myself meets my increased fatigue. This increased fatigue or frustration makes it easier for me to discount the outcome that I professed to want.

I’m realizing that I find it easier to quit than to stay committed.


The rationalization that I use is: the pain is so intense because perhaps I’ve made a bad plan, and so I try to go back to the drawing board in order to re-plan. What I’m discovering is that perhaps it was not a bad plan but only a bad perspective on pain.

As I get older, and I survey the results in my life, I am learning that I MUST stick with the original plan and its original pain and give myself time to adjust to it. Just like starting a new job, pursuing a new goal may cause you to be incredibly tired, frustrated with the lack of progress for a temporary period of time.

However, you can adjust and learn to persevere.  You can test your limits and see if the struggle is actually impossible to move past or if it’s just your mind shouting at you because it’s used to being lazy.

So my financial plan for 2019 is pretty simple:

  • Work at least 50 hrs/week
  • Max out 401k plan
  • Figure out & Start new business or figure out how to increase profitability of old business
    • Or purchase another investment property
  • Budget for Big Personal Events happening during the year
  • Finish Final Touches to Renovation of Currently Rental Property

While it’s simple, I don’t think it will be particularly easy. I’m really going to have to put on my big boy pants and make sure to stay the course.